Arena Law Offices, LLC and Attorney Arena have experience in representing both tenants and landlords in disputes. These cases involve evictions. Andrew Arena has litigated evictions before courts. In one such case a client was unlawfully evicted and Attorney Arena successfully sued the landlord in Court, and obtained compensatory and punitive damages for the client. The Client, that was evicted by a landlord who changed the locks, and threw all of the family's property in the yard and street This is an illegal eviction in Wisconsin and is sometimes called a self help eviction. It is important for a tenant to receive a proper eviction notice. Attorney Andrew Arena has also represented several landlords with difficult tenants. In one such case, the tenant was making allegations of building code violations and retaliation in an attempt to re-negotiate the lease. This case ended up in Circuit Court and through Attorney Arena's investigation it was determined that the tenants claims had no credibility. The case was dismissed, and the tenant remained in the property for a lengthy tenancy. The Tenant continued to pay the agreed upon rent and failed to obtain a money judgment from the landlord.
It is important to be aware of recent changes in landlord/tenant law. The legislature has recently made changes regarding property condition disclosures by creating Wisconsin Statute 704.08, which requires that the landlord provide a standardized information check-in sheet that contains an itemized description of the condition of the premises.
A tenant is within their rights to insist that the law be followed in all regards. There are damages available for the tenant, as a result of the Landlord failing to follow established rules in the administrative code and State Statutes. Chapter 134 of the administrative code allows for these issues to be a defense in an eviction action. Attorney Arena has experience with all facets of landlord/tenant law, and ALO has represented landlords, and tenants in these disputes.
One such client was a business owner that was being evicted from the business after many years of operating in the location. The landlord brought a law suit seeking money damages. This case resulted in a trial with a favorable out come for the client. Attorney Arena has also represented property owners (usually landlords) regarding housing code violations and Attorney Arena has defended landlords in retaliation cases brought by their tenants.