
Zoning Zoning cases can occur when it is least expected. For example ALO and Attorney Andrew Arena handled a case for a convicted sex offender challenging a residency restriction. The local zoning ordinance stated that a sex offender could not live within 2000 feet of a school, golf course, park, day care center etc. This was actually a zoning case because it was part of the municipalities zoning code, due to the fact that it was an ordinance made to restrict the use of property.

Zoning is government rules to control how land is used in certain areas. These areas are zones, which are delineated to establish compatible land uses. This method of zoning is known as Euclidean Zoning, which is a term that comes from the first ordinance challenged from the City of Euclid Ohio. The Supreme Court made the famous quote which is that zoning is required to prevent a pig from being in the parlor. For example, it makes sense to protect residential areas from heavy industry by limiting what may be developed on the land. Although it seems strange that the Government can tell you what to do with your land, all municipalities make exceptions to their zoning ordinance. This usually occurs when someone wants to change the property use, and the new use will not harm neighbors, or it makes sense to allow the change due to the change of the surrounding property uses. There is a procedure to seek a variance or what is now referred to as a special use or exception to the zoning ordinance.

One must first apply for the use and have it rejected by the local plan commission. It is then necessary to appeal that denial to the Board of Zoning Appeals. This is a process that takes place when a person wants to open a day care or counseling center in a residential area, or a tavern wants to put a volley ball court on vacant property. These are examples of situations that Attorney Andrew Arena has worked on for clients.